(function($) { /*var observer = new MutationObserver(function( mutations ) { mutations.forEach(function( mutation ) { var newNodes = mutation.addedNodes; // DOM NodeList if( newNodes !== null ) { // If there are new nodes added //alert('something has been changed'); console.log('observer acionado'); getCart(); } }); }); // Configuration of the observer: var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true }; // Pass in the target node, as well as the observer options var target = $( ".cart-preview" ); observer.observe(target, config);*/ // Later, you can stop observing // observer.disconnect(); */ $("body").on('DOMSubtreeModified', ".cart-preview", function() { // code here console.log('observer acionado'); getCart(); }); /* $("body").on('DOMSubtreeModified', "span[data-cart=amount]", function() { // code here console.log('observer acionado amount'); ajaxCart(); });*/ var cont; // Chama delete ao clicar no x $(".cart-details ").bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(){ $( ".prod-delete" ).click(function() { if(!(cont == this.id) ){ cartDelete(this.id) cont = this.id; } }); }); function ajaxCart(){ var dataSession = $("html").attr("data-session"); if(dataSession!='undefined'){ $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "/web_api/cart/"+dataSession }).done(function( response, textStatus, jqXHR ) { //$('.cart-details').html(" "); $('.cart-details').html('
    '); $('.resume').html(" "); var total = 0.00; var qtdTotal = 0; var image; $( response ).each(function() { total += parseFloat((this.Cart.price * this.Cart.quantity)); qtdTotal += parseInt(this.Cart.quantity); }); totalCart = String(total.toFixed(2)).replace('.', ','); $("span[data-cart=price]").html( totalCart ); $("span[data-cart=amount]").html( qtdTotal ); $( response ).each(function( index ) { if(this.Cart.product_image.thumbs){ image = this.Cart.product_image.thumbs[90].https; }else{ image = 'https://images.tcdn.com.br/files/1052366/themes/5/img/no-image.svg';} totalProduct = String((this.Cart.price*this.Cart.quantity).toFixed(2)).replace('.', ','); var product = `
  1. ${this.Cart.product_name}


    Qtd: ${this.Cart.quantity} Subtotal:  R$${totalProduct}

  2. `; $('.mini-products-list').append(product); }); // Resumo do Carrinho var resumeCart = `
    Subtotal: R$ ${ totalCart }
    Continuar comprando Ir para a Sacola
    ` $('.resume').append(resumeCart); }).fail(function( jqXHR, status, errorThrown ){ var response = $.parseJSON( jqXHR.responseText ); $('.cart-details').html('
    Seu carrinho está vazioVeja nossos produtos para preenchê-lo
    '); }); }else{ console.log('data session undefined'); } } function getCart() { $('.cart-details').html(" "); $('.resume').html(" "); $("span[data-cart=price]").html(''); $("span[data-cart=amount]").html(''); $("span[class=totalCart]").html('R$ $0,00'); setTimeout(function(){ ajaxCart(); }, 1000); } // Chama o get do Carrinho /*$("span[data-cart=amount]").bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(){ console.log('carregando carrinho'); getCart(); });*/ /*$('.cart-preview').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(){ console.log('carregando carrinho'); getCart(); }); */ // Delete Product function cartDelete(productId) { var dataSession = $("html").attr("data-session"); $.ajax({ method: "DELETE", url: "/web_api/carts/"+dataSession+"/"+productId }).done(function( response, textStatus, jqXHR ) { var qtdCart = parseInt($("span[data-cart=amount]").html()); $("span[data-cart=price]").html('0,00'); $("span[class=totalCart]").html('R$ $0,00'); $("span[data-cart=amount]").html(qtdCart - 1); getCart(); }).fail(function( jqXHR, status, errorThrown ){ window.location.assign("/loja/carrinho.php"); }); } $( ".download-foto-produto" ).click(function() { forceDownloadFoto(); }); function forceDownloadFoto(){ url = $("#imgView").prop('src'); console.log(url); fileName = $("#imgView").attr('title'); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", url+'?download=true&filename='+fileName, true); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.onload = function(){ var urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL; var imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL(this.response); var tag = document.createElement('a'); console.log(imageUrl); tag.style.display = 'none'; tag.href = imageUrl; tag.download = fileName; document.body.appendChild(tag); tag.click(); document.body.removeChild(tag); } xhr.send(); } $(document).ready( function(){ setTimeout(function(){ ajaxCart(); }, 3000); }); // Quantidade $('[data-app="product.qty"]').on('click', function() { var $productId = $(this).attr('data-product'); var value = parseInt($("#quant").val()); var option = $(this).attr('data-action')== 'minus' ? -1 : 1; value += option; if(parseInt(value) > 0){ $("#quant").val(value).change(); /*console.log('value: '+value+' - option: '+option); console.log($("#quant").val());*/ } }); function showModal() { console.log('exibindo modal cart preview'); $('.cart-preview').modal('show'); $('.cart-preview').show(); } function reloaderPreview(callback) { //Renderiza novamente o componente de cart-preview store.render.init(); setTimeout(function() { callback(); }, 800); } function addCarrinho() { var dataSession = $("html").attr("data-session"); /*var productQtd = parseInt($('#quant').attr('value'));*/ var productQtd = parseInt($('#quant').val()); var dataProductId = parseInt($('#bt_comprar').attr('data-product')); var variacao = parseInt($('#selectedVariant').attr('value')); var verificaVariacao = $('#verifica_variacao').attr('value'); var verificaClientesAguardando = $('#verifica_clientes_aguardando').attr('value'); var verificaEstoqueVenda = $('#verifica_estoque_venda').attr('value'); var verificaVariacaoDuplaValor = $('#verifica_variacao_dupla_valor').attr('value'); var layoutVariacao = $('#layout_variacao').attr('value'); var defineRadioSelect = $('#define_radio_select').attr('value'); console.log('add qtd: '+productQtd); $('body').addClass('is-addcart'); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').html(''); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').removeClass('error-msg'); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').removeClass('success-msg'); $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/web_api/cart/", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", data: '{"Cart":{"session_id":"'+dataSession+ '","product_id":"'+ dataProductId + '","quantity":"'+productQtd+ '","variant_id":"'+variacao+ '","verifica_variacao":"'+verificaVariacao+ '","verifica_clientes_aguardando":"'+verificaClientesAguardando+ '","verifica_estoque_venda":"'+verificaEstoqueVenda+ '","verifica_variacao_dupla_valor":"'+verificaVariacaoDuplaValor+ '","layout_variacao":"'+layoutVariacao+ '","define_radio_select":"'+defineRadioSelect+ '"}}' }).done(function( response, textStatus, jqXHR ) { console.log(response); var qtdCart = parseInt($("span[data-cart=amount]").html()); $("span[data-cart=amount]").html(qtdCart + 1); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').removeClass('error-msg'); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').addClass('success-msg'); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').html('Produto adicionado ao Carrinho de Compras!'); $('#quant').val(1); getCart(); reloaderPreview(showModal); }).fail(function( jqXHR, status, errorThrown ){ var response = $.parseJSON( jqXHR.responseText ); console.log(response); console.log(response.causes); var message = ''; if(response.causes){ for(let i = 0; i < response.causes.length; i = i + 1) { message = message + response.causes[i] + '
    '; } }else{ message = 'Erro ao adicionar produto ao Carrinho de Compras!'; } $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').removeClass('success-msg'); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').addClass('error-msg'); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').html(message); /* setTimeout(function(){ $('body').removeClass('is-addcart'); $('#span_mensagem_carrinho').html(message); }, 3000);*/ }); return false; } /*$("#bt_comprar").click(function() { console.log('adicionando produto ao carrinho'); addCarrinho(); }); */ })(jQuery); /*---------------CLOUD ZOOM ---------------*/ (function($) { function format(t) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) t = t.replace("%" + (o - 1), arguments[o]); return t } function CloudZoom(t, o) { var e, i, s, n, a, r, d, l, u = $("img", t), p = null, c = null, h = null, m = null, f = null, g = null, v = 0, b = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0, O = this; setTimeout(function() { if (null === c) { t.width() } }, 200); var k = function() { null !== g && (g.remove(), g = null) }; this.removeBits = function() { h && (h.remove(), h = null), m && (m.remove(), m = null), f && (f.remove(), f = null), k(), $(".cloud-zoom-loading", t.parent()).remove() }, this.destroy = function() { t.data("zoom", null), c && (c.unbind(), c.remove(), c = null), p && (p.remove(), p = null), this.removeBits() }, this.fadedOut = function() { p && (p.remove(), p = null), this.removeBits() }, this.controlLoop = function() { if (h) { var t = r - u.offset().left - .5 * n >> 0, e = d - u.offset().top - .5 * a >> 0; 0 > t ? t = 0 : t > u.outerWidth() - n && (t = u.outerWidth() - n), 0 > e ? e = 0 : e > u.outerHeight() - a && (e = u.outerHeight() - a), h.css({ left: t, top: e }), h.css("background-position", -t + "px " + -e + "px"), b = t / u.outerWidth() * s.width >> 0, x = e / u.outerHeight() * s.height >> 0, z += (b - z) / o.smoothMove, y += (x - y) / o.smoothMove, p.css("background-position", -(z >> 0) + "px " + (-(y >> 0) + "px")) } v = setTimeout(function() { O.controlLoop() }, 30) }, this.init2 = function(t, o) { w++, 1 === o && (s = t), 2 === w && this.init() }, this.init = function() { $(".cloud-zoom-loading", t.parent()).remove(), $(".mousetrap").remove(), c = t.parent().append(format("
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    ', u.outerWidth() - 2, u.outerHeight() - 2, o.tint)).find(":last"), f.css("background", 'url("' + u.attr("src") + '")'), f.css("opacity", .5), O = !0, f.fadeIn(0)), O || h.css("opacity", o.lensOpacity), "inside" !== o.position && h.fadeIn(0), l.controlLoop() }) }, e = new Image, $(e).load(function() { O.init2(this, 0) }), e.src = u.attr("src"), i = new Image, $(i).load(function() { O.init2(this, 1) }), i.src = t.attr("href") } $(document).ready(function() { $(".cloud-zoom, .cloud-zoom-gallery").CloudZoom() }), $.fn.CloudZoom = function(options) { try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", !0, !0) } catch (e) {} return this.each(function() { var relOpts, opts; eval("var a = {" + $(this).attr("rel") + "}"), relOpts = a, $(this).is(".cloud-zoom") ? ($(this).css({ position: "relative", display: "block" }), $("img", $(this)).css({ display: "block" }), "wrap" != $(this).parent().attr("id") && $(this).wrap('
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